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Being Human Festival

METRONOME, 8 Crown Ln, Morden, SM4 5BL

 7–16 November 2024, Free Entry

(Past event, took place in November 2024, London, UK)

Exhibition extended till 24th November! This exhibition is part of the national UK “Being Human” festival of the humanities  (7-16 Nov) which aims to demonstrate the value of humanities research to society. This year’s festival theme is “Landmarks”. In our exhibition, we celebrate the birth of our young facilitators, a generation born after 1994, as the landmark event that signifies hope for building a new future. Please see the virtual version of the exhibition below.

Listen to audio explaining the layout.

Watch a short video tour on Instagram.

Plan your journey (google maps link to venue).

Arts for Resilience

The Exhibition

The exhibition is organised into four sections:


Resilience and Connections

Artwork from the Nkwihoreze artists inspired by the themes and findings from the project


Connecting conntinents through art

Young artists in Merton connect with the project by drawing portraits from baby photos of our Nkwihoreze facilitators and reflecting on the themes of trauma and resilience


Photography by Fernando Mugisha

See our young facilitators in action while delivering workshops to children and young people


Interactive features

We invited exhibition visitors to contribute their own thoughts and reflections by adding a leaf to our resilience tree or writing a postcard to our young facilitators in Rwanda


Resilience and Connections

Human resilience through pain

This artwork is a metaphor of human suffering, capturing the weight of painful thoughts, intense emotions, physical aches, and broken hearts endured after hardship. Created by Chaste and painted by Sandra, it symbolizes the depth of human pain and the enduring strength that arises from facing and moving through it.


Project Partners

UKRI logo in orange, Arts and Humanities Research Council

Arts and Humanities Research Council 

UCL logo black

University College London 

Uysienga Ni Imanzi logo
AERG logo black with purple fire


Uyisenga Ni Imanzi

The Nkwihoreze project is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), part of UK Research and Innovation

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